Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Under the Weather....

Today was one of those days when i couldn't go to the gym due to a bad cold. Everything was planned yesterday. At 5.30 AM, when the alarm rang i hardly could open my eyes. As usual my hubby  also tried to wake me up but all his efforts went in vain. I decided to sleep rather than going for a workout. One change in the morning has turned my day upside down. From breakfast, lunch to dinner nothing has gone as per the schedule. On top of it, the guilt of not working out and my desire to eat chocolate and chats is troubling me a lot.I gave up for my craving and had some junk food, chocolate.Today is the day when my daughter has turned into Dennis (from Dennis the menance). Thanks to her,I have got some exercise while keeping things back in its place and running around in the park trying to stop her from pulling the plants, eating sand and mud. Hope not to see major weight gain tommorrow and continue with my fitness plan.

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