Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The movie "Jullie and Julia"

I was totally sad yesterday.The best thing I do during this time is watch TV and voila there the movie was playing on Romedy now. Julie and Julia is a beautiful movie about the two women and their passion for cooking and it is a true story.I had heard about the movie before but never thought I will watch it. Julie belongs to modern times and Julia from old times. Even though in different times there was so much similarity in their lives and they handled it so differently.

The  real reason I liked it was like Julie i am struck at a point where I am lost and confused as to what to do. There are many movies which inspire you to get back on track but this one was very special to me. I am starting back on my French classes, my daughter has started going to mainstream school and is in nursery. I am juggling cooking, exercising, looking after the kid, house, studying so that I could get back to work,  etc etc and there was no time to blog. I dropped the idea of going back to work and decided to finish my intermediate and advanced french level. In between, I decided to learn about terracotta jewelry making, paper quilling. My husband is very supportive of all my activities. He looks after my daughter when I am out. Thank god for having such a loving husband who helps you not to lose track.With so much going on my mind I am glad that I watched the movie as it has inspired me to do things which i really like..craft, painting,french, gardening and blog about it.

Hope I keep the momentum going and blog at least once a week.

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