Friday, January 2, 2015

Weightloss Journey...

Weight loss,Weight loss.......This is one of the main thing always in my mind since 2005. Before, I had never worried about what I ate as I was active in sports,used to teach dance for my apartment kids. I don't know suddenly what happened to my metabolism, slowly and steadily started putting on weight.
Post 2008, I have been trying to loose weight by going to gym, enrolling to weight loss programs and diets etc etc. I had lost weight but it would come back soon.

I was already heavy and pregnancy(Bed rest) and post pregnancy food had made me put on some more weight. The thought of my loosing weight used to make me cry... and I was solely responsible for it.

Since Last November, I am going to my apartment gym, 6 days a week without fail. Running, Cycling and yoga are my part of daily routine. Yup, I have completed a year plus of working out and I am proud of the fact that I have lost 16 kgs without much diet. I even tried swimming for few months which helped me tone my abs and arms.There were days, when I wanted to give up as i had put on 500 gms or 1 kg but ultimately the thought "Being Fit is more important" motivated me.

There is always a regret that if I had followed a strict diet, I would have lost weight faster but nevertheless there still a long way to go.. and Hope I don't loose track of my goal.

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